Fundraising Tomato Plants for sale
Posted by Chris Rogers on 7 May 2016
All Grown in Metherell.
£1 per plant or Six for £5.
Orders to
Bejbino…………………...Red Cherry.
Chadwick………………..Small, sweet and red.
Gartenperle…………….Red Cherry.
Red Cherry………………Excellent cherry red.
Red Alert…………………Another red cherry.
Sungold……………….….Yellow cherry.
Sweet Aperitif………...Bite sized sweet red.
Sweet Million………….Sweet cherry red.
Fandango………………..Medium red. (Blight resistant)
Orange Paruche……..Medium orange.
Black Russian…………. Large dark tomato.
Costoluto Fiorentino…..Large red Italian. (Don’t pinch out).
San Marzano……………Italian plum tomato.